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Watering Tips for Your Little Garden


Make sure your new Little Garden seedling gets all the water it needs by watering it in the morning and not soaking it with water at night.

Build Your Own Slow-Release Water Tank

Step 1: Get a 2-litre plastic bottle and cut off the bottom.
Step 2: Leave the cap on the top, and carefully poke a few holes in the top half of the bottle.
Step 3: Then bury the bottle in your vegetable garden with the open end facing out of the ground.
Step 4: Fill the bottle with water.
Step 5: Water will slowly flow into the soil.

Deep Water Your Plants

When your seedling is growing strong, deep water once or twice a week.

Deep watering is when you give your plants a good enough supply of water to soak their roots. This is better than a light sprinkle of water every day.

It will encourage your plants to send their roots deep into the soil, which makes them less vulnerable during dry spells.


Save Water

Water only where it’s needed and water at the base of the plants you want to grow.

There are also great ways you can save water in your home and garden.

Follow These Steps and Start Saving Today:

Step 1: Collect your shower water in a bucket.
Step 2: Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth and use a cup of water instead.
Step 3: Save your cooking water when you boil or steam vegetables.
Step 4: Use a compost system to save water in your garden.
Step 5: Try mulching, increasing organic matter and controlling all weeds that steal water which would otherwise be available for desirable plants.

Watering Tips for your Little Garden